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Wedding process occurs everywhere in the world. During the human History, there were three sorts of wedding. The first one was the primitive wedding. It consisted on taking the chosen woman to the cave by force. The second was a contracted or buying wedding. The man bought a woman from here family for money or cattle. The third which is familiar in all countries of the world. Basing on the holy connection. Founded on social and emotional relations. 

How did the wedding start?

Actually the marriage is a social practice; it’s done to provide emotional safety for the couple. Marriage’s party is different from a country to another one. For example, the Christians do it in the church. The Hindus do it in front of the fire. The wedding party is a very important Indian marriage ceremony.

After this ceremony the man and the woman are announced married. So they become partners in life. Most of the marriages between the mankind intend to hold on existing forever. However in some societies, divorce exists. Divorce may happen, it depends on the society.

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