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All the abutilons and animals on the earth drink water to live. However, there is a special that never drinks water.

It’s a type of rats. It’s living in the west-northern American desert. It doesn’t drink water at all. It’s called the kangaroo rat. It’s named a kangaroo, because the feet and the tail are alike to the ones of an Australian kangaroo.

An animal never drinks water

The question now is: how could the kangaroo rat live without drinking water?

It’s the components of the form of the desert abutilons and its animals, because they do not need too much water, to survive. It’s the case of the kangaroo rat; it gets water from the desert abutilon leaves.
The quantity of the water in the abutilons is enough to keep it alive. The abutilons of the desert provide the water and the food for this animal.

The kangaroo rat has long feet, when fighting with another animal, it uses them like sticks. This kind of rats lives in the jungles, insides holes that it digs underground.  

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