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Few studies proved that the bats existed 60 million years ago. Experts recognized so far 2000 types. They are everywhere in the world except the Polar Regions. The only mammal that can fly is the bat. The bats’ wings length, when they are stretched, is 15 to 180 cm.

Most of the bats eat fruits, fishes and insects. There is another one, which eats blood. It’s called vampire. Because of this one, the people are afraid of the bats.
Bats feed on Blood -

Vampires are found just in the southern and middle of America. Once extended, the wings of the vampires are 30 cm. his body is 10 cm.  They have very sharp front teeth. They used them to bruise sleeping human, horses, cows…they scribe their victims painlessly. After that they pull the blood out of the human or animal body. Using its tongue. At anytime when they want to take the blood, they scotch the victim first if the victim wakes up they fly away.

Each night, the vampire needs at least 30 g of blood, from one animal or more. They rarely attack the human bodies. Plus it’s the Rabies transporter. A bite of it is very serious. In few days, if not cured, it kills. 

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